Accessible attractions in Victoria, BC
From art galleries to bug zoos, whale watching to ballet, in a city where traditional meets unconventional, you’re bound to find experiences as unique as you are.

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Home to BC’s largest collection of visual arts with over 20,000 works, and a permanent exhibition of Asian art, as well as an impressive permanent collection of Victoria’s best-known and beloved artist, Emily Carr.
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Victoria Butterfly Gardens
Located in the heart of Central Saanich, is a local attraction sure to delight all ages. The Victoria Butterfly Gardens was opened in 1992 and has been pleasing fans of butterflies (and other interesting creatures) ever since.

Eagle Wing Whale & Wildlife Watching
Eagle Wing Whale & Wildlife Watching Tours has vessels and a crew that have safety, accessibility and spectacular wildlife viewing all as their top priority.

Ballet Victoria Society
Ballet Victoria presents Tea for Tutu performance for seniors and families with young children. Tea for Tutu performances include an introduction to the Ballet Victoria Dancers, the story of the work being performed, a 45-minute dance performance, tea/coffee & cookies with the dancers, and the opportunity for seniors, parents and young children to enjoy the friendly, intimate atmosphere of Kirk Hall (Ballet Victoria's theatre). The venue is full wheelchair accessible with easy drop-off and pickup beside the entrance. Catch any of Ballet Victoria's four annual performances in this welcoming and accessible setting.